I know, I'm useless.
Everyday when I drive to and from work I come up with good subject to blog about, but they disappear by the time I get to the computer! Useless, I know.
So, what's new? I had my exam a week ago when we were on holiday in Cornwall, both holiday and exam went better than expected...! Don't you just hate it though, when you read a question and think: Ah, I definitely know that! and the answer you had in mind wasn't an option? Pisses me right off!
Oh yeah, yesterday when I drove to work, there was a cycling race at 7.30 on a dual carriage way. Who on earth thinks that's a good idea?! Blocks the whole road at rush hour! Makes no sense.
Jamie has been in Germany since Tuesday, he should be home any minute now. Have missed him lots! And it's really scary to be on my own in the house.... Plus, I was going to sit outside and have a beer tonight and I came outside and there is a dead baby bird there. Covered in like... flem. Disgusting! So I need my man to remove it (knowing him though, he will probably refuse and I'll end up doing it. I mean, he's scared of spiders).
Have a fun-day with work tomorrow, quite looking forward to it! Hmm... Should find out how to get there maybe. Will try to update sooner!