I am apparently wrong, because I support Casey. I'm sure this had a lot more effect than it would ever have to talk to a teacher, because a lot of teachers look the other way when they see this kind of stuff. You shouldn't have to deal with this shit every day and I am happy he stood up for himself. I hope this might encourage other bullied kids or adults to do the same thing. Well, maybe not lift them up and throw them on the ground, but do something.
Go bullied kids, go! I'm right behind you.
I don't get it. And for all English people, Stureplan is where all the posh bars are in Stockholm. Where you pay 150kr for a glass of wine. Where people drink champagne straight out of a bottle.
I went there a few weeks ago with two other girls and we were on the VIP list (that was quite exciting, I've never been VIP ever before). Anyhow, in the normal part of the club/bar, there was about 10 people. In the VIP part there were at least 100. I'm sure half of them drank champagne out of the bottle. I paid 250kr for 2 glasses of wine and a beer. A joke. But what's the point with VIP if everyone is VIP? Doesn't it loose it's charm then?
And last night we went there again. Sure, it was like 2.30am and not really any point in paying 150kr to get in, but I was happy to do that to get into a warm place, because my toes were freezing. We were at the front of the queue for maybe 30 mins before the bouncer said: You won't get in, it's too full. Or something like that. Thanks, couldn't you have told us that when we got there? Also, the guy at the door kept saying to people that it was not exit where he stood and everyone ignored him in a very: I have money I can exit where I want -kind of style. Pissed me right off.
To get to the point, I don't like the posh places. It might be because I'm from the countryside, it might be because I'm too poor to wear Gucci, Dolce or whatever they wear there or maybe because I don't like champagne. I will not hang there very often. I am very happy I have found a place near our new flat that serves beer for 30kr/pint.
A crazy Friday night....
Feeling a little bit down today... Got offered a job I wanted (happy) and passed my exam (happy). Just sometimes wish that certain other people could be happy and enthusiastic about things I do well sometimes too. Oh well, I'm a grown up, I shouldn't need any other confirmation! So there we go.
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Annoying on the tube.
- Someone sits down on the outside seat and then doesn't move at all when you try to squeeze into the other seat.
- People that rather stand up than sit next to a stranger
- People who talk really loudly (to make sure everyone can hear) about some story from the weekend etc.
- People who do dusgusting things (biting their nails, picking their noses, coughing without covering with sleeve/hand etc).
- Old women that huffs and puffs as soon as someone else on the tube opens their mouth to speak
- The way the driver says 15 times on the same trip: Se upp for dorrarna, dorrarna stangs. (Watch out for the doors, the doors are closing).
- People that glance at your phone when you're texting or emailing. Rude.
- Dogs. Why take dogs?! It even says on a sign: NO DOGS!
Weekend was too short
Anyhow, I had a job interview today which went well. And when I got back to work after the interview, I get a call from someone telling me that I got the job from the other interview I went to last week. I'm just too popular. However, the job today seems more interesting than the one last week so I told them I'll await and see what happens. Both companies are on the Fortune 100 list on NYSE though, so massive companies.
I am dreading next week a bit... Ida goes away on Thursday and is away 1,5 weeks. Which means I am all on my own. Lonely, I am so lonely....... Think that will be a good time to spend 2 hours at the gym every evening. I don't believe myself for a second that will actually happen, but it's a good intention anyway.
Moving 1st May.
Had an interview this morning which went OK I think, but not sure the position is right for me. It's with the purchase ledger team, which I have almost no experience in. We'll see! Have another interview on Monday for a job I think would be excellent though...! They wanted to see me on Friday but doesn't really work out as I have to get the bus to the airport early and have to work in the morning. So Monday it is! Quite good, means I can get my suit at the weekend as well!
Will be very nice to see everyone this weekend. Well you know, not everyone, but a lot of friends and Jamie's family.
Ohhh I'm so happy. I might go and do a little happy dance now. And you guess right - you don't want to see me doing a happy dance. Adios amigos!
Need to prepare for my interview now and then get some sleep. It's tiring to view flats.
Have lived in Stockholm for 6 weeks now and I am really enjoying it. Considering since I moved here the weather has been freezing cold, I'm sleeping on a mattress in Ida's dining room and have a bookcase as my wardrobe and have found out I can only stay at the company I'm working until end of April - I think it's pretty good! I love having my old friends around though. It's so nice to be able to call one of them and meet up. And my sister of course, it's nice to live near her again! Friends in UK - don't think for a second that I don't miss you, but it's nice to be able to talk about "the old times" for once.
Althought living without Jamie is awful. Even though I have Ida around me most evenings and weekends I constantly feel lonely. Hopefully not for long. Viewing a flat on Wednesday which looks very nice and can move in 1st May. Fingers crossed!
Going back to the job scenario. It's not as bad as it sounds..! I found out on Tuesday last week and by Wednesday I had an interview set up and awaiting confirmation on another one. So I'm not too concerned really!
Anyhow. I don't have much more news. You can be sure to find out when I get somewhere to live, I can't wait! And it's not the sleeping arrangements really, it's the lack of space. None of my clothes look well enough to wear really because they're so creased from being pushed into the little cupboard doors :P I shall not complain though, Ida is a top hostess and I am really grateful for being able to stay here, considering I know I'm not easy to live with.
That's about it. Enjoy.