This year's....
The 2014 list is here! Enjoy.
This year's best moment: 7.30 am on the 26th February = Lucas was born
This year's worst moment: I have to say about 7.29 am on the 26th February.
This year's discovery: You can't prepare for parenthood. However much you prepare and you think you're ready, it's still a massive shock.
This year's mistake: By the car dealer at Bilia Nacka, who somehow got us the wrong colour on our car
This year's comment: "When will you have the next child? " Alright people, let me enjoy this one for a while. Stop asking, it's rude. And frankly, none of your business.
This year's song: Avicii - The days. It's amazing that Robbie Williams sing it.
This year's group: Coldplay. I love them.
This year's most talked about: Swedish election. Ebola. IS. The missing plane. Take your pick.
This year's party: I haven't got out much if I'm honest. So it will have to be the Gatsby Party at Häringe slott.
This year's idiot: The previous owners of our flat. They should never be allowed to own a flat ever again.
This year's most wonderful person: Nichlas Rådbjer. For being a good "uncle" to Lucas and for being there for us no matter what
This year's sweeties: Selina and Theo. Well I can't really say Lucas, can I?
This year's disappointment: That SD got so many votes
This year's look-alike: McSteve in his xmas cracker hat and the king in Robin Hood
This year's christmas present: My Sandqvist backpack
This year's couple: My parents. Married for 25 years!
This year's people-I-can-live-without: Tradesmen.
This year's I-think-I-know-more-than-I-actually-do: The one and only Lenny.