Almost moving day!

I had a bit of a moment yesterday. I went a bit mad. Kind of crazy actually. The thing is, I've done almost all packing by myself because Jamie has worked late etc, and I don't really mind because I find it quite calming to wrap glasses in bubblewrap etc... But yesterday I just snapped. Jamie was on his way home and said: I'm in Crawley, won't be long. And I'm going to play cricket at 1.30. And I knew he was going, but for some reason I went absolutely mad and when he got home, I got into the car to go and get some more boxes and I had a go at him and started to cry, a lot. I think moving gets on my nerves. Because I wasn't actually angry, just lost it. So Jamie, I'm sorry! Didn't mean to. Think I'm a bit nervous as well, starting a new job on Monday, at the same company, but I'm moving to the UK team instead of the Northern team.

Something makes me wonder... I have a couple of friends on facebook, whom I've known since I was little so I don't really want to remove them, but EVERY day they write on their status
1)How much person no 1 loves her boyfriend (this is also written about 5 times a day).
2)How much person no2 loves her family.

Now, for me it's kind of an obvious thing, I don't need to tell the world that I love my boyfriend and family, they can draw that assumption themselves I think. What is the point in writing it like... all the time? I'm seriously thinking about removing them, even though they are old friends.

Ohhh but the worst one is one guy.... He writes like: Gym, studying, run, working, gym, football training. And at the end of every week he changes it to: 11 gym sessions, 60hrs work, lots of studying, 2500 situps and 4 runs.
I'm not a personal trainer in any way, but that's not healthy. And also, there is not enough time in the world to do all of this unless you never sleep?! I think it's a bit of bullshit. I told him once that he was a bit sad, and he got so defensive that it made me think that it was made up!

Do I pay too much attention to these things? I'm probably just as weird as they are, as I'm writing about it! Does anyone else have the same annoying things? Or this proves that I look at facebook too much....

Moving, exams etc...

I know, I know, I know... I have been utterly useless at writing so far this year. But, I've been busy. I've been snowed in, I've walked 3 miles in the snow to get to work, I've studied and I've been househunting. Quite stressful start to the year (not really, but it sounds better...)

So... Got my exam tomorrow, have got a headache and I think that's due to too much studying. I really think I'll pass, and I'm still nervous?! Why?!

Found a house as well, moving 4/2 if the estate agent can confirm sometime. Really looking forward to it! Have packed little things like DVD's, CD's, things in drawers, books etc.... So, I've filled the only 3 boxes I had :p

Looking forward to Kaisa coming back to work next week, then the boys can start picking on her again. They've been calling me fat all week. Mean people! Will still miss Mattias a lot when he leaves. Bastard.

Oh well, break is over, back to studying! Wiiihooo.....