So many babies...

Everyone is having a baby, there is a serious babyboom in my circle of aquaintances, friends and family (well actually, Jamie's family). Which is awesome, but I swear, a year ago I barely knew anyone my age who had kids and now there seems to be loads. Is this a serious sign I'm getting old?

Either way I'm so happy for you all! For the ones I shouldn't mention due to different reasons, for Sofie and Robban, for Gemma and Iain, for Emelie and Oscar, for Marina and Kim, Laura and Mark etc etc. I'm telling you, the list is endless! Considering I love babies, this is heaven for me! And I don't even have to gain weight or squeeze one out myself. I am expecting one of them to be called Malin though. I mean, out of like... 10 babies, there is a good chance.

Glad midsommar!


Long time ago - I know. But I haven't really felt like sitting down to write when it has been lovely weather outside! Not too much has happened recently really, apart from that my friend Vicky came to visit this weekend! Was lovely to see her and to have some company when Jamie is away.

Life is good now though. It's summer, work is going well, Jamie is soon going to be home a bit more (I hope!) and Stew and Liz are coming next week. I also have a lot more energy nowadays which is good, I don't fall asleep at 9pm everyday! I think it's partly because I don't have to drive to work and partly because I'm doing more excercise. I don't go to the gym that much more but a lot of running up and down stairs at home and at work!

Well, that's about it! Good night.